Saturday, June 5, 2010

A visit with Leo Utter

I took Lil to visit Leo on Friday as he is now enrolled in hospice with pancreatic cancer. He seemed especially glad to see her and she was equally delighted to see him. Leo was in good spirits—although it was clear he was weak and tired easily. His voice was so soft it was hard for Lil to hear him, yet she still seemed to enjoy the visit.

Leo had a book of collected poems by Helmi Kortilla (not sure I have the last name right) that he wanted Lil to see. Some were in English and others in Finnish. I read a Finnish one aloud and he translated line by line as Lil nodded. He gave Lil the book to take home so she could read more of them.

On the way back, Lil commented again how much she enjoys getting out of the house--going for a ride and just enjoying the scenery along the way. We had gone for a drive along Lake Washington a couple days before during my regular Tuesday afternoon visit.