Thursday, September 10, 2009

Social Worker report

Met with the social worker today. Many good things are going into place--a volunteer to come and have lunch with Lil on Wednesdays and just sit and talk or go for drives (Wednesday I see clients all day); a housecleaner/homemaker to come every Friday (the day I have school) to make a week's worth of lunches (e.g. lasagna or something) as well as do things like bleach the bathroom, mop the kitchen floor, do the laundry, clear the left overs out of the fridge, sweep, and vacuum, etc.; A medical personal care worker to help grandma with foot care, lotion (and massage) for dry skin, mouth care, and whatever else comes up; and a nurse for tracking medical issues (first visit tomorrow and after that as medically indicated), and a counselor who speaks with people about making meaning of life and thinking about and preparing for a good death. We also asked the social worker to start the process of getting us in touch with the "Safe Crossings" counselor for the kids.

The one program we do not qualify for (because Lil is not on Medicaid) is the program that pays family members for doing care, so we won't have the help defraying the expense of Beza or med co-pays, but that's not such a big deal when it is really the only thing grandma is needing to cover out of pocket.

Grandma is still gradually losing weight since her hospital visit. I've reduced the water pill again a couple days ago to 20 ml a day (as the doctor authorized me to do) but I haven't seen the weight loss stop, and she's down to about 92 pounds. The theory I've had since before she went into the hospital is that she actually started losing weight during the very hot weather in July, but that it was masked by increasing fluid retention so that it didn't show up until she got home from the hospital and went on the higher Furrosimide (diuretic) dose.

Anyway, weight and digestion are on the top of the list for the nurse tomorrow. Grandma's appetite has not changed (it's still good) and we are really making sure that she gets three balanced meals a day, as well as things to counteract what seems to be a kind of irritable bowel syndrome (like Metamucil crackers and extra calcium), but it just seems like she is not being able to digest much of what she eats--it just goes right through her. One of the things mom suggested I ask the nurse about tomorrow is a supplement like Ensure or something high calorie and easy to digest, so we'll see what the nurse suggests.

It was good to meet the social worker. Grandma enjoyed telling her some of her history and things about herself she wanted the social worker to know--like that she is independent and clear thinking, and wants very much to stay living in her own home. When the social worker (or anyone) asks if she has any pain or symptoms, she always says no (even though she tells me all about them whenever they happen). I think she simply lives in the moment and anything that isn't bothering her right now just goes out of her head. It's really a pretty adaptive trait.

She is still having frustrations removing her new dental plate and she mentioned to me today that she wants to get her eyes checked to see if she needs a new prescription because it is getting harder to read. I'll be on break next week so it will be a good time to go do those things.

Marty is hoping to get out and do a good day's work on the Fall City place on Sunday which might just be enough, with all the work Stefan put in, to get us finally out of there so we can rent it. That will be such a relief--both to have that albatross gone and to have the income. It's just been so hard to squeeze that work in with everything going on for us.

The boys had a great first day of school (though grandma already says she misses having their noise and busyness around) and both are excited about the coming year. We got email from Tana that she and Jason are arriving on the 26th to visit for a week, which we are really excited about. They'll be renting a car so they can take Lil around while they are here. They have dibs on the living room hide-a-bed, but if other folks end up dropping by, there's still the hide-a-bed in our room, the red couch in the basement, or a mattress on the floor in the boys' room--grandma really likes the company so we don't want to turn anyone away.

Today is a beautiful day and grandma is taking the opportunity to sit outside on the deck in the sun and watch the birds in the garden. She's probably napping too. She usually does in the afternoon.

I've got to get back to work. I'll post again soon. Please comment if you have any questions because other people probably have them too.

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